The Erotic Storyteller

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The Erotic Storyteller

erotic / irotik/ adj. of or causing sexual desire or excitement.

story /stawree/ n. (pl. -ries) 1 account of imaginary or past events; narrative, tale, or anecdote. 2 history of a person or institution, etc. 3 (in full story line) narrative or plot of a novel or play, etc. 4 facts or experiences that deserve narration.

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This site is intended ONLY for mature, adult, gay or bisexual men, 18 years of age and older. Inside you will find graphic language as well as amateur and professional photography of a sexual nature that may be offensive to some people.

All images used to illustrate the stories, I believe are public domain. If they are not, please let me know immediately and I will remove them, as I do not wish to offend anyone or infringe upon any copyright laws.

If you are under 18, belong to/represent a government or law enforcement agent/agency, are a member of any religious organization opposed to homosexuality, or if you personally feel that such explicit adult content will be offensive to you, leave now.

If despite this warning you enter this site and take offense to the material presented, remember: you came in willingly.